Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

#141216TM5-Channel Selection

Saluran seleksi
Saluran Seleksi tujuan tentu akan berbeda dari satu perusahaan ke perusahaan lain, namun ada kemungkinan untuk menentukan sejumlah titik umum yang Kemungkinan akan relevan. Ini biasanya harus Dianggap oleh perusahaan dalam rangka perencanaan proses distribusi kepada Pastikan bahwa struktur saluran yang paling tepat dikembangkan. Poin game yang perlu ditangani adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Untuk membuat produk tersedia bagi konsumen pasar di mana ia ditujukan. Mungkin faktor yang paling penting di sini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa produk tersebut direpresentasikan dalam jenis hak outlet atau toko ritel. Setelah mengidentifikasi pasar yang benar untuk barang, perusahaan harus memastikan bahwa saluran distribusi fisik yang sesuai dipilih untuk mencapai tujuan ini
  • Faktor-faktor ini mungkin dari pemasok atau titik penerima pandang, dan termasuk ukuran minimum order, jenis satuan beban, karakteristik penanganan produk, penanganan bahan bantu, akses pengiriman (misalnya ukuran kendaraan) dan kendala waktu pengiriman, dll
  • Untuk meminimalkan logistik dan biaya total. Jelas, biaya yang sangat penting, karena mereka tercermin dalam harga akhir produk. Saluran yang dipilih akan mencerminkan biaya tertentu, dan biaya ini harus dinilai dalam kaitannya dengan jenis produk yang ditawarkan dan tingkat layanan yang diperlukan.

Karakteristik Saluran 
Dalam kaitannya dengan jenis tujuan yang digariskan dalam bagian sebelumnya, ada sejumlah karakteristik saluran yang terkait penting yang juga perlu dipertimbangkan. Faktor-faktor ini cenderung mempengaruhi keputusan yang harus dibuat ketika merancang saluran yang akan digunakan dalam sistem distribusi. Mereka dapat diringkas sebagai berikut:

Market Karateristik
karakteristik pasar Pertimbangan penting di sini adalah dengan menggunakan saluran yang paling tepat untuk mendapatkan produk ke pengguna akhir akhirnya. Ukuran, penyebaran dan kepadatan pasar penting. Jika pasar adalah salah satu yang sangat besar yang banyak menyebar dari titik geografis pandang, maka biasanya menggunakan saluran 'panjang'.Sebuah saluran panjang adalah salah satu di mana ada beberapa poin penyimpanan yang berbeda dan sejumlah gerakan yang berbeda untuk produk seperti yang ditransfer dari titik produksi ke konsumen akhir. Di mana pasar hanya memiliki sangat sedikit pembeli di wilayah geografis yang terbatas, maka 'pendek' saluran yang digunakan. Sebuah contoh sederhana dari apa yang dikenal sebagai 'lama' dan saluran 'pendek' diilustrasikan dalam Gambar

Product characteristics
Pentingnya produk itu sendiri saat menentukan pilihan channel tidak bisa diremehkan. Hal ini karena produk mungkin menyebabkan hambatan pada jumlah saluran yang dapat dipertimbangkan. Sebagai contoh:

  • Nilai tinggi item lebih mungkin untuk dijual langsung melalui saluran pendek, karena margin laba kotor tinggi dapat lebih mudah menutupi penjualan dan distribusi yang lebih tinggi biaya yang biasanya dari saluran pendek. Selain itu, aspek keamanan barang yang sangat murah (misalnya perhiasan, jam tangan, CD, dll) membuat saluran pendek jauh lebih menarik karena ada sedikit kesempatan untuk kehilangan dan pencurian daripada dengan saluran panjang. saluran pendek juga mengurangi kebutuhan untuk membawa persediaan barang bernilai tinggi dan penggunaan miskin terkait modal kerja.
  • Produk yang kompleks sering membutuhkan penjualan langsung karena perantara apapun mungkin tidak dapat menjelaskan bagaimana produk bekerja untuk pelanggan potensial.
  • Produk baru sering didistribusikan melalui saluran pihak ketiga karena permintaan akhir tidak diketahui dan saluran pasokan harus sangat fleksibel untuk menanggapi kedua tingkat permintaan yang tinggi dan rendah. Ada operasi akun sendiri dapat jarang menangani secara efektif dengan liku-liku permintaan produk baru.
  • Produk dengan penanganan kendala mungkin memerlukan saluran spesialis fisik distribusi, misalnya beku makanan, Cina dan kaca, tergantung pakaian dan bahan kimia berbahaya

Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

#071216TM4 - Competitive Advantage.

Apa yang dimaksud Competitive Advantage dan Sustained Competitive Advantage ?

Competitive Advantage menurut Michael Porter
Adalah tentang bagaimana sebuah perusahaan benar-benar menetapkan strategi generik dalam prakteknya.

Competitive Advantage menurut Jay barney :
Perusahaan dikatakan memiliki competitive advantage ketika menerapkan strategi penciptaan nilai tidak secara bersamaan dilaksanakan oleh pesaing saat ini atau potensial

Sustained Competitive Advantage menurut jay barney:
Perusahaan dikatakan memiliki competitive advantage ketika menerapkan strategi penciptaan nilai tidak secara bersamaan dilaksanakan oleh pesaing saat ini atau potensial dan ketika perusahaan-perusahaan lainnya tidak dapat menduplikasi manfaat dari strategi ini.

Dua tipe dasar keunggulan kompetitif dikombinasikan dengan ruang lingkup kegiatan dimana perusahaan berusaha untuk mencapai keinginan mereka. Tiga Strategi Generik berfungsi untuk mencapai kinerja rata-rata dalam suatu industri. Tiga Strategi Generik tersebut diantaranya : biaya kepemimpinan , differentiation, dan focus. Strategi focus ada 2 varian yaitu cost focus dan diferensiasi fokus.

Keuntungan biaya 
Perusahaan memiliki keunggulan biaya jika biaya kimulatif dalam melakukan semua kegiatan nilainya lebih rendah dari biaya pesaing.

Bagaimana menciptakan membuat keuntungan biaya

keunggulan biaya ini dapat dimanfaatkan dalam bentuk harga yang lebih rendah kepada konsumen untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar, untuk menangkal serangan kompetitif, atau dalam bentuk margin yang lebih tinggi.
Sebuah perusahaan yang dapat menciptakan keunggulan biaya yang berarti menjadi pesaing yang sangat kuat rantai nilai dan analisis biaya dapat di jadikan cara untuk menentukan keunggulan biaya 

Strategi Diferensiasi 

Strategi diferensiasi, yaitu suatu strategi yang diambil oleh perusahaan untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitifnya dengan cara menciptakan produk yang berbeda dari produk-produk pesaing.

Langkah yang Diperlukan Menentukan Dasar untuk Diferensiasi dan Memilih Strategi Diferensiasi:
  1. Menentukan siapa pembeli nyata
  2. Identifikasi rantai nilai pembeli dan dampak pada perusahaan
  3. Menentukan peringkat kriteria pembelian pembeli
  4. Menilai potensi keunikan di perusahaan
  5. Identifikasi biaya potensi diferensiasi
  6. Memilih nilai kegiatan yang paling berharga
  7. Menguji strategi diferensiasi yang dipilih
  8. Mengurangi biaya yang tidak efektif  

Strategy Focus 

Strategi fokus pada pasar, yaitu suatu strategi yang diambil oleh perusahaan untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitifnya dengan menerapkan salah satu atau kedua strategi sebelumnya (strategi keunggulan biaya dan atau diferensiasi produk) pada pasar yang lebih kecil atau spesifik

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

#261016tm5 - third partylogistic

"Guanxi" adalah istilah cina untuk mereka ketergantungan pada kepercayaan dan kemitraan dalam web hubungan kapal untuk mencapai keuntungan tertentu. Untuk melakukan bisnis di cina untuk berhasil, asing perlu memahami dan menghormati sistem sosial kuno ini.
Tapi guanxi its't digantikan oleh usia koneksi web dan email? tidak manajer Cina saat ini jauh lebih menantikan untuk jasa dan kinerja obyektif daripada kekerabatan, arahan dan berbagi pengalaman? memang benar bahwa pola pikir berubah, tetapi ada banyak alasan budaya abadi mengapa kita harus mengharapkan guanxi. menjadi sekitar untuk waktu yang lama .author francis fukuyama berpendapat bahwa dalam masyarakat di mana orang tidak bisa mempercayai "sistem" untuk keadilan, mereka menaruh kepercayaan mereka dalam hubungan mereka tahu bahwa mereka dapat bergantung pada ini sebagai benar bagi para pemimpin bisnis di banyak bagian kata barat seperti untuk orang-orang bisnis di cina

Definisi Third Partly Logistik

Dasarnya Third Partly Logistic atau logistik pihak ketiga mungkin dapat didefinisikan sebagai yang melakukan semua atau sebagian dari fungsi logistik. Definisi ini sengaja secara luas dimaksudkan untuk mencangkup pemasok layanan transportasi, pergudangan, distribusi, layanan keuangan dsb. Ada karakteristik yang diinginkan dari “true”3PL diantaranya sudah termasuk beberapa kegiatan logistik. Mereka yang termasuk “terintegrasi” atau yang memanage secara bersama-sama, dan mereka yang menyediakan “solusi” untuk masalah logistik/rantai pasok.
Baru baru ini telah ada peningkatan secara signifikan jumlah perusahaan yang menawarkan layanan tersebut dan tren ini diperkirakan akan terus berlanjut. Contohnya termasuk UPS supply chain solution, Fedex supply chain services, IBM Supply chain management services, Ryder, DHL-Exel, Menlo Logistics, dan Agility Inc. Third Partly Logistic terkadang memiliki persyaratan kontrak logistik dan outsourcing. Meskipun banyak pelanggan yang menggunakan 3PL banyak pelanggan yang memilih beberapa kontrak formal untuk mendefinisikan perjanjian itu adalah catatan menarik bahwa sejumlah kecil perusahaan memilih untuk tidak memiliki kontrak dengan pemasok jasa logistik mereka.

Jenis-Jenis Penyedia 3 PL

1.                  Basis Transportasi
Yang termasuk perusahaan pemasok berbasis transportasi diantaranya UPS supply chain solution, Fedex supply chain services, DHL, Ryder, Menlo Logistic, dan Schineder Logistik. Beberapa pelayanan yang disediakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan ini memanfaatkan basis transportasi sebagai organisasi induk. Di semua instansi perusahaan yang melampaui aktivitas logistik menawarkan transportasi yang lebih koprehensif.

2.                  Pergudangan/Basis Distribusi
Menurut tradisi banyak pemasok logistik berbasis pergudangan/distribusi berkecimpung dalam bisnis pergudangan umum ataupun memiliki kontrak, dan layanan logistik telah berkembang menjadi lebih luas. Contoh perusahaan tersebut antara lain Ozburn Hassey Logistik, DSC logistik, Saddle Creek Corporation dan Standard Corporation. Berdasar orientasi tradisi organisasi jenis ini sudah terlibat dalam kegiatan logistik, seperti manajemen persediaan, pergudangan, distribusi, dsb. Pengalaman telah menunjukan bahwa basis fasilitas ini, operator menemukan transisilayanan logistik terpadu menjadi kurang kompleks dari pada memiliki transportasi.

3.                  Forwarder/Ekspeditur
Perusahaan yang termasuk dalam kategori ini diantaranya kuehne&negel, Fritz, dsb. Dasarnya pemilik perusahaan non aset berurusan dengan berbagai pemasok jasa logistik yang sangat independen, mereka telah terbukti cukup mampu menyusun paket layanan logistik yang memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.

4.                  Financial base/Basis Keuangan
Kategori penyedia 3PL ini termasuk perusahaan perusahaan seperti CTC(Comercial Traffic Corporation), AIMS Logistic, kontrol dan akuntansi biaya dan alat manajemen logistik untuk monitoring, booking, pelacakan,jiplakan, dan mengelola persediaan.

5.                  Basis Informasi
Pada saat penulisan teks ini, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan internet, business to businesss, elektronik market untuk transportasi dan layanan logistik sangat signifikan. karena sumber daya secara efektif merupakan sumber alternatif bagi mereka yang membutuhkan transportasi pembelian dan jasa logistik, mereka dapat dianggap sebagai jenis inovatif baru dari penyedia Third-partly.

Ukuran Pasar 3PL dan Ruang Lingkup

Tabel 4-2 berisi kutipan dari ringkasan dari pengirim tertentu yang diidentifikasi oleh armstrong & rekan, sebagai memanfaatkan beberapa 3pls. Berdasarkan tabel 4-2, motor umum menduduki peringkat tertinggi dengan 43 penyedia 3pl. pengirim perwakilan lainnya menggunakan beberapa 3pls juga ditunjukkan.
Ditunjukkan dalam tabel 4-3 merupakan perkiraan dari pendapatan industri 3PL global untuk tahun 2005. Seperti yang bisa dilihat, total pendapatan untuk Amerika Utara dari 119 miliar merupakan sekitar sepertiga dari total perkiraan pengeluaran global 370 miliar. Gambar 4-6 penyedia melihat pertumbuhan pasar 3PL logistik di amerika serikat, di mana pertumbuhan omset telah meningkat dari 30,8 miliar pada tahun 1996 menjadi sekitar 103,7 miliar pada tahun 2005. Karena banyak penyedia 3PL yang "tidak berbasis -asset " angka lain yang relevan adalah "bersih" pendapatan, yang dihitung sebagai pendapatan kotor dikurangi biaya transportasi dibeli dan layanan logistik. Secara umum, diperkirakan pihak ketiga pendapatan logistik bersih adalah sekitar 55% sampai 60% dari jumlah yang ditunjukkan pada tabel 4-3 dan mencari 4-6.

Disponsori oleh Georgia Tech, Capgemini LLC, DHL, dan SAP; menyediakan luas dan pengguna melihat logistik pihak ketiga industri perspektif pelanggan layanan logistik. tujuan studi khusus adalah sebagai berikut:

-Mengukur perkembangan dan pertumbuhan segmen industri utama industri 3PL dan beberapa daerah beragam kata-kata
-Meringkas penggunaan jasa layanan 3PL
-Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelanggan dan seberapa baik penyedia 3PL menanggapi kebutuhan tersebut
-Memahami bagaimana pelanggan memilih dan mengelola penyedia 3PL
-Memeriksa mengapa pelanggan outsourcing atau memilih untuk tidak melakukan outsourcing untuk penyedia 3PL
-Selidiki topik terkemuka, termasuk penawaran layanan 3PL dan kemampuan, pemberdayaan, penataan dan pengelolaan hubungan efektif
-Memahami pelanggan isu-isu kontemporer yang berkaitan dengan hubungan dan melihat ke dalam isu-isu berkaitan dengan layanan yang mungkin komponen efektif dari pasokan yang berfungsi dengan baik
-Memberikan penilaian strategis masa depan industri 3PL

Kendaraan utama untuk mengumpulkan perspektif pelanggan adalah survei yang dikirim melalui internet ke eksekutif logistik utama di perusahaan terkemuka dalam industri berikut: otomotif, kimia, produk konsumen, makanan dan minuman, berteknologi tinggi dan elektronik, industri manufaktur / industri pertahanan, ilmu kehidupan dan kesehatan, ritel dan telekomunikasi. Industri tersebut terpilin karena mereka melihat logistik sebagai strategis penting dan membuat gerakan terarah menuju manajemen rantai pasokan terpadu. Terakhir, elemen kunci dari metodologi penelitian termasuk memegang lokakarya dengan pelanggan dari 3PLs di Accelerated Solutions Environment (ASE). 

Keseluruhan penggunaan 3PLs  Penggunaan layanan 3PL adalah signifikan dalam wilayah dunia yang diteliti. Antara tahun 2002 dan beberapa persentase pengguna Amerika Utara menunjukkan pertumbuhan moderat ditambah dengan menggunakan stabilitas. Dalam tiga tahun terbaru dari data survei, persentase jasa perusahaan 3PL di Eropa Barat antara 76 persen dan 79 persen di Asia-Pasifik, penggunaan 3PL selama dua tahun terakhir telah 84 persen. Berdasarkan dua tahun penggunaan 3PL Data dari Amerika Latin, layanan persen sini kurang lazim daripada di daerah logis outsourcing lainnya. 

Kegiatan Logistik Outsourching
Tabel 4-4 merangkum penggunaan jasa logistik khusus yang dilaporkan sebagai outsourcing oleh responden di berbagai daerah yang diteliti pada tahun 2006. Berdasarkan informasi ini, logistik paling sering keluar bersumber adalah mereka yang lebih melihat hasil dari transaksi yang berulang-ulang di alam. Layanan tersebut meliputi daerah transportasi kemarahan paling sering outsourcing (90%), dan pergudangan (74%), bea cukai dan perdagangan perantara (70%), dan ekspedisi (54%).
Isu strategis adalah bagaimana merasakan pelanggan yang lebih strategis di alam 3PLs harus memposisikan diri dalam hal kedalaman dan penawaran layanan. Berdasarkan temuan yang dilaporkan lebih fokus dan pemasok harus menunjukkan perjanjian dengan negara terbatas dengan menyediakan luas.

Dilihat dari non pelanggan untuk membantu lebih memahami mereka yang tidak di antara pengguna jasa 3PL, penelitian meminta sejumlah pertanyaan tentang pilihan mereka untuk tidak begitu melibatkan
Berdasarkan pada angka-angka ini, alasan yang paling penting bahwa organisasi telah memilih untuk tidak keluar sumber layanan logistik adalah keyakinan bahwa logistik adalah kompetensi inti di organisasi mereka. Alasan lain termasuk keyakinan dan / atau harapan bahwa pengurangan biaya tidak akan terwujud, kontrol atas fungsi outsourcing akan berkurang, komitmen tingkat serivce tidak akan terwujud dan memiliki keahlian logistik dari penyedia 3PL
Menariknya, dan seperti yang dilaporkan dalam tahun-tahun sebelumnya, banyak pelanggan yang menarik dari 3 pls telah puas dengan hubungan seperti itu karena mereka membantu untuk meningkatkan (bukan mengurangi) kontrol

Peran strategis teknologi informasi

Sebuah utama dari studi tahun 2006 adalah untuk mendapatkan wawasan lebih lanjut untuk kebutuhan pelanggan untuk layanan informasi berbasis tachnologt, serta mengevaluasi bagaimana 3PL menanggapi. Mengingat pentingnya teknologi informasi untuk manajemen rantai pasokan secara umum, topik ini juga sangat relevan dengan topik hubungan rantai pasokan dan digunakan 3PLs.

Meskipun hasil studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa pelanggan ingin melihat ke 3PLs mereka untuk kepemimpinan dalam teknologi informasi, setiap kekurangan yang ada mungkin karena fakta bahwa mereka tidak melihat sektor 3PL untuk menjadi terlibat atau kuat di daerah ini penyedia teknologi themselve. Meskipun hal ini mungkin benar dalam tertentu dalam jarak, banyak 3PL menggunakan bidang teknologi untuk membedakan diri dari pesaing mereka. Misalnya, ketersediaan kompeten perangkat lunak manajemen transportasi dan / atau perangkat lunak manajemen gudang dari 3PL adalah sesuatu yang dapat diharapkan. Hal ini sangat relevan, mengingat temuan 'studi yang "memiliki" beberapa tahun terakhir benar' software "adalah keunggulan kompetitif utama untuk 3PL. Ketika ditanya tentang statisfaction mereka secara keseluruhan dengan perangkat lunak dan dukungan IT yang tersedia dari 3PLs, sebagian besar pengguna menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan yang diperlukan.

Manajemen dan Isu Hubungan
Kebutuhan kompetensi yang berkaitan dengan pembentukan dan kelanjutan dari hubungan yang sukses telah menjadi penting dalam industri 3PL hari ini. Meskipun kedua penyedia dan pengguna jasa 3PL telah meningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk menciptakan hubungan bisnis yang lebih produktif, efektif, dan memuaskan, media di penuh dengan contoh hubungan yang gagal pertanyaan adalah "apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk meningkatkan di daerah ini?"

Sebuah temuan menarik dari salah satu studi tahun sebelumnya adalah bahwa kepala eksekutif di daerah logistik adalah orang yang jelas yang paling menyadari kebutuhan untuk layanan 3PL. sedangkan bukti yang ada mendukung fakta bahwa presiden atau CEO dan eksekutif keuangan dari daerah lain seperti manufaktur, sumber daya manusia, pemasaran, dan sistem informasi juga menyadari kebutuhan tersebut, tetapi untuk tingkat yang lebih rendah. mencari sebuah tugas untuk melaksanakan hubungan 3PL, namun, itu jelas bahwa eksekutif sistem informasi menjadi semakin terlibat. ini tidak mengejutkan mengingat peran kunci dari IT di banyak logistik saat ini dan proses supply chain

Teknologi Rantai Pasokan
3PLs perlu mengisi peran diperluas dalam rantai pasokan hari ini

mereka yang mengelola logistik dan layanan rantai pasokan semakin bertanya tentang apa layanan 3PL yang tepat akan untuk outsourcing proses rantai pasokan fungsi tertentu menarik, banyak dari kekhawatiran ini berhubungan dengankekurangan untuk logistik tradisional perlu seperti transportasi dan pergudangan, dan lainnya perubahan kunci tersebut sebagai berikut.

- Rantai pasokan yang semakin global dalam lingkup
- Strategi optimasi persediaan telah strategi luar batas perusahaan tunggal untuk menyertakan mitra dan pelanggan yang bekerja di perusahaan

Manajemen Rantai Suplai adalah koordinasi dari bahan, informasi dan arus keuangan antara perusahaan yang berpartisipasi. Manajemen rantai suplai bisa juga berarti seluruh jenis kegiatan komoditas dasar hingga penjualan produk akhir ke konsumen untuk mendaur ulang produk yang sudah dipakai.
·         Arus material melibatkan arus produk fisik dari pemasok sampai konsumen melalui rantai, sama baiknya dengan arus balik dari retur produk, layanan, daur ulang dan pembuangan.
·         Arus informasi meliputi ramalan permintaan, transmisi pesanan dan laporan status pesanan, arus ini berjalan dua arah antara konsumen akhir dan penyedia material mentah.
·         Arus keuangan meliputi informasi kartu kredit, syarat-syarat kredit, jadwal pembayaran dalam penetapan kepemilikandan pengiriman.
Menurut Turban, Rainer, Porter (2004, h321), terdapat 3 macam komponen rantai suplai, yaitu:

        Rantai Suplai Hulu/Upstream supply chain
Bagian upstream (hulu) supply chain meliputi aktivitas dari suatu perusahaan manufaktur dengan para penyalurannya (yang mana dapat manufaktur, assembler, atau kedua-duanya) dan koneksi mereka kepada pada penyalur mereka (para penyalur second-trier). Hubungan para penyalur dapat diperluas kepada beberapa strata, semua jalan dari asal material (contohnya bijih tambang, pertumbuhan tanaman). Di dalam upstream supply chain, aktivitas yang utama adalah pengadaan.
   Manajemen Internal Suplai Rantai/Internal supply chain management
Bagian dari internal supply chain meliputi semua proses pemasukan barang ke gudang yang digunakan dalam mentransformasikan masukan dari para penyalur ke dalam keluaran organisasi itu. Hal ini meluas dari waktu masukan masuk ke dalam organisasi. Di dalam rantai suplai internal, perhatian yang utama adalah manajemen produksi, pabrikasi, dan pengendalian persediaan.
      Segmen Rantai Suplai Hilir/Downstream supply chain segment
Downstream (arah muara) supply chain meliputi semua aktivitas yang melibatkan pengiriman produk kepada pelanggan akhir. Di dalam downstream supply chain, perhatian diarahkan pada distribusi, pergudangan, transportasi, dan after-sales-service.

penelitian manajemen perdagangan global tahun lalu menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 90 persen dari perbandingan survei mengandalkan keluarnya sumber penyedia logistik untuk menjalankan logistik global mereka membutuhkan. tingkat tinggi mereka outsourcing (Alih Daya) ketergantungan untuk kompetensi dalam dan teknologi yang mampu mengelola masalah logistik yang lebih kompleks mungkin akan menyebar ke adopsi atau outsourcing (Alih Daya) dalam area lain dari manajemen rantai pasokan. juga, perusahaan melaporkan "jauh – penyangga" Outsourcing (Alih Daya) ingin memastikan bahwa "total mendarat biaya" terus menjadi menarik. sebagai contoh, mempertimbangkan tinggi populer - berakhir perusahaan elektronik konsumen yang ber expedisi yang teratur tinggi tertentu - produk menjual dari asia karena ramalan yang akurat dan waktu panjang rantai pasokan Asia-nya. memotong? produk biaya $ 100 per unit, dan biaya percepatan adalah $ 80 per Unit

Pengaturan harapan relatif dalam hubungan manajemen 3PL
85 persen menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan merupakan faktor, mencari di luar ini untuk kriteria seleksi lain yang lebih penting termasuk persence geografis di wilayah 75% kemampuan diharapkan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan servis level kisaran 67% dari yang tersedia layanan nilai tambah logistik 63% dan informasi teknologi yang mampu 60%
juga, hubungan 3PL sukses membangun peran yang tepat dan tanggung jawab untuk kedua 3pls dan perusahaan klien sementara kadang-kadang penggunaan 3 pls ditafsirkan hanya sebagai "membalik semua logistik kegiatan" ke penyedia responden outsourcing penelitian beberapa tahun terakhir menunjukkan bahwa "hybrid" manajemen struktur merupakan cara yang sangat efektif untuk mengelola hubungan 3pls

kerangka nilai pelanggan
umumnya ,3pls menggunakan beberapa wilayah yang diteliti ditandai upaya outsourcing sebagai milik mereka ini adalah dukungan oleh informasi yang terdapat dalam angka 4-10 yang memberikan perspektif 10 tahun pada persentase 3PL pengguna di berbagai wilayah yang dinilai layanan 3PL mereka sebagai baik "sangat" atau "agak" sukses

hasil rata-rata pelanggan dari penggunaan penyedia logistik pihak ketiga
responden dalam studi terbaru melaporkan mengalami sejumlah masalah :
1. Komitmen tingkat layanan tidak terlaksana
2. waktu dan upaya yang dihabiskan untuk logistik tidak berkurang
3. pengurangan biaya belum terealisasi
4. kurangnya kemampuan global

Diharapkan pertumbuhan pelanggan menggunakan layanan 3PL salah satu cara untuk melihat rencana masa depan untuk outsourcing adalah untuk meminta pengguna jasa 3PL untuk memperkirakan 3 sampai 5 tahun tingkat pertumbuhan yang diharapkan dari pengeluaran outsourcing sebagai persen dari pengeluaran logistik secara keseluruhan. Berdasarkan hasil untuk tahun 2006 seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar 4-12, rata-rata persentase kenaikan diharapkan dalam 3 sampai 5 tahun ke depan akan menjadi 17% di Amerika Utara, 11% di Eropa Barat, 11% di Asia-Pasifik, dan 20% di Amerika latin.

Model logistik outsourcing untuk masa depan
Dimulai dengan penyediaan proprietary jasa logistik, atau insourcing, di bagian bawah diagram, model berkembang melalui beberapa tahap berturut-turut. Termasuk layanan dasar (transportasi, pergudangan, dll), nilai tambah atau 3PL layanan, memimpin logistik atau jasa 4pl, dan layanan canggih.

SUMBER, Langley. etal (2009)
              HALAMAN 117-134

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

pengertian rack jobber and petroleum station

rack jobber adalah grosir yang menyediakan rak dagangan untuk lokasi ritel dan membagi keuntungan yang diperoleh dari penjualan antara kedua belah pihak. Toko-toko yang sering dibuat berbagai jobbers rak dari grosir besar dan kecil. Misalnya, rak chip di toko dari Frito Lay akan menjadi dianggap rak pemborong


petroleum bulk station merupakan fasilitas industri untuk penyimpanan minyak dan / atau petrokimia produk dan dari mana ini produk biasanya diangkut ke pengguna akhir atau fasilitas penyimpanan lebih lanjut. Depot minyak biasanya memiliki isi tangki, baik di atas tanah atau bawah tanah, dan gantries untuk pembuangan produk ke kapal tanker jalan atau kendaraan lain atau pipa

CONTOH PERUSAHAAN : Asia Petroleum,JOB Pertamina – HED (Indonesia) Inc, PT. Pertamina (Persero),Pasific Oil & Gas

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Daftar isi

Dokumen 1 dari 1

Long-term impact of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation: results from a population-based study
Background: The short-term effect of celebrity suicide on the overall suicide rate is widely known, but long-term effects remain unclear.
Objective: To examine whether celebrity suicide is associated with suicidal ideation over a longer period. Design: This is a study on the effect of the suicide of a famous Hong Kong entertainment celebrity, who committed suicide on 1 April 2003, on suicide thoughts of the community. A population-based survey was conducted between December 2003 and July 2004. Respondents were asked about their suicidal ideation, psychological well-being, life events, and whether or not they had been affected by celebrity suicide.
Setting: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People's Republic of China. Participants: 2016 respondents aged between 20 and 59 years.
Results: After controlling for some known suicide risk factors, celebrity suicide was shown to be independently associated with suicidal ideation. People who had indicated to have been affected by celebrity suicide were 5.93 times (95% CI 2.56% to 13.72%, p = 0) more likely to have severe level of suicidal ideation (Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire score [>, double =]31) than people who had not been affected. Respondents having greater anxiety symptoms, less reason for living and more focus on irrational values were also found to have had their suicide ideation affected by celebrity suicide.
Conclusions: Celebrity suicide is a risk factor for suicidal ideation over a short term as well as over a long term. Raising awareness of the possible negative effect of celebrity suicide through suicide prevention programmes in the community is needed.

Teks lengkap:

Current evidence shows an association between celebrity suicides or death and a subsequent increase in the suicide rate. 1- 4 In addition, media coverage of suicide cases may influence suicidal behaviour in others, as well as the choice of the suicide method. 5- 7 Also, studies measuring the effects of celebrity suicides are more likely to find an imitation effect than studies of non-celebrity suicides. 6
However, existing studies have methodological limitations. Most of the results are derived from aggregated data and are subject to the limitations of ecological fallacy. 4, 8 Furthermore, most of the research focuses on the short-term effect, say 2-4 weeks after the incidence. 1, 2, 9 Limited information is available regarding whether or not media reporting on celebrity suicides may influence an individual's suicidal thoughts over the longer term. 10 Also, it suggests that celebrity suicides affect vulnerable people the most. This suggests that the influence of celebrity suicide is not an independent risk factor, but could be mediated by other risk factors for suicide. 8, 11 Hence, whether or not a celebrity suicide is an independent risk factor for suicidal ideation is still uncertain.
Hong Kong's famous pop star Mr Leslie Cheung had depression and died by jumping from a height on 1 April 2003. His death generated extensive media coverage that might have prompted suicidal thoughts in others. After 8-15 months, a population-based household survey was conducted to study suicidality in Hong Kong between December 2003 and July 2004. The aim of the survey was to gauge respondents' views about their level of suicidal ideation, psychological well-being, life events, and whether or not they had been influenced by the celebrity suicide.
In this paper, three hypotheses were examined in relation to the celebrity suicide:
(H1) The long-term influence of celebrity suicide was associated with suicidal ideation.
(H2) The long-term influence of celebrity suicide was an independent risk for suicide ideation after controlling for other known risk factors.

(H3) Some risk factors would have a moderating effect on the impact of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation. Note that the "long-term" is referring to the period from 8 months to 15 months.


This population-based study adopted a two-wave longitudinal household survey design. The results reported in this paper were obtained from the first wave. A two-stage, stratified random sampling method was also used. The sampling frame was the Frame of Quarters maintained by the Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong SAR Government, and was the most complete and updated register of residential addresses in Hong Kong. Households were selected randomly from the Frame of Quarters, and one household member was then randomly selected to participate in the study. This study was approved by the ethics committee of the Faculty of Social Science, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
The survey was the first community-based survey to study the prevalence rate of suicidal behaviour in Hong Kong. From previous literature, life-time suicidal thought from nine countries was estimated to be 18.5%. 12 We expected that the rate of suicidal ideation in Hong Kong was a bit higher and that it might range from 25% to 35%. If precision level was within 2%, with 95% level of confidence, the sample size was estimated to range from 1800 to 2185.
During the data collection, 2016 people aged between 20 and 59 years participated in the study with 955 (47.4%) and 1061 (52.6%) of them being men and women, respectively. Table 1 gives the sample age-gender distribution. The subject pool contact rate-that is, the percentage yielding a successful contact with valid households-was 87%, and the response rate was 62% of those who were contacted. Given a sensitive survey topic like suicidal behaviour, the response rate was considered satisfactory. Other population-based surveys in Hong Kong on less sensitive topics typically obtain similar response rates. 13 There was no significant difference in age and gender distribution between the sample and the population at large. The precision level of the estimate of suicidality in the sample is around ±2.2%.
Table 1 Sample distribution by age and gender

Age group (years)
% within gender




% within gender
% within gender
% within gender
Face-to-face interviews were held, and each interview lasted for about 45-60 min. Self-report booklets were also used for sensitive questions. All questions were administered in Chinese and the interview was conducted in Cantonese, the most common language in Hong Kong, as 90% of the population spoke Cantonese.
Before the field work, a pilot study was conducted to test the wordings of the questionnaire and the translated instruments. Feedbacks from the pilot, such as ambiguous wordings or misunderstanding, were corrected and rectified.
Data collection field work was carried out between 1 December 2003 and 4 July 2004. All interviewers were

trained on how to administer the interview, particularly on how to handle cases in which respondents were an imminent suicidal risk or requested professional help. During the fieldwork stage, follow-ups were carried out by clinical staff for those cases where the respondent required consultations or referral services. The research team also carried out independent quality control measures continuously over the data collection period, including appraisals, telephone interviews with randomly selected respondents and reviews of completed questionnaires.


Influence of celebrity suicide
The influence of celebrity suicide was measured by two questions asked in a self-report booklet. Respondents were asked about their level of distress brought on by a celebrity suicide: "Have you ever been disturbed by the news of a celebrity suicide?" (question A). There were five response categories: "very disturbed", "somewhat disturbed", "moderately disturbed", "a little disturbed" and "no disturbance at all".
The second question investigated their possible mindset change after a celebrity suicide: "Did you change the way you view suicides following a celebrity suicide?" (question B). They could choose their responses from among the four choices-namely, "Suicide is more acceptable than what I had previously thought", "Suicide is more acceptable than what I previously thought and it spurred my own suicidal thoughts as well", "Suicide is less acceptable than what I had previously thought" and "No change".
The coding scheme was as follows: if question A was not answered as "no disturbance at all" or question B was answered either as "Suicide is more acceptable than what I had previously thought" or as "Suicide is more acceptable than what I had previously thought and it spurred my own suicidal thoughts as well", the influence of the celebrity suicide was coded as "Yes". Otherwise, it was coded as "No". The question is very specific in examining the effect and the extent of whether celebrity suicide has any effect on the respondent.

Positive thinking after celebrity suicide

One choice in question B was "Suicide is less acceptable than what I had previously thought" and this could be understood as a positive effect from celebrity suicide. If the influence of celebrity suicide was coded as "No" and Question B was answered as "Suicide is less acceptable than what I previously thought", the positive thinking after a celebrity suicide was coded as "Yes". Otherwise, it was coded as "No".

Suicidal ideation

Suicidal ideation-Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (ASIQ) 14 -was a 25-item self-report measure of the severity of suicide ideation. The scale incorporated a 7-point item response format on which the respondents noted their frequency of occurrence of suicidal ideation during the past month. It was used for a sample of people aged >20 years. The range of scores was from 0 to 150. The cut-off score of [= or >, slanted]31 suggested a severe level of suicidal thought. Evidence of reliability and validity of the scale was reported for the community of adults and college student samples. 14 The scale was also forward and backward translated from English to Chinese by two bilingual clinical psychologists. The Chinese version of the ASIQ showed excellent internal reliability (Cronbach's α = 0.98). A significant correlation between ASIQ and anxiety, hopelessness and prior suicide attempts (0.34, 0.27 and 0.31, respectively) was found to support convergent validity. Its validity was further confirmed by a significant difference in ASIQ mean score between suicide attempters and non- attempters (t = 4.25, p<0.001). The instrument ASIQ was translated into Chinese with the permission of the Psychological Assessment Resources (Odessa, Florida, USA).

Demographic  characteristics

Basic demographic characteristics of the respondents (ie, age and gender), were reported.
The following risk and protective factors for suicide were included as control variables. The used instruments were obtained from either author or public domain.


Anxious symptoms in the week before the interview were measured by the 7-item anxiety subscale of

Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. 15 Anxiety was suggested to be a risk factor for suicide attempt. 16 The Chinese version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales used in this study was a valid assessment of anxiety among the Chinese-speaking population. 17 This subscale had good internal reliability (Cronbach's α = 0.82). The summary score ranged from 4 to 28, with higher scores indicating higher levels of anxious mood states during the past week.


The 20-item Chinese version of the hopelessness scale (C-HOPE) 18  was used to measure hopelessness, which has been demonstrated as an important predictor of suicidal behaviour. 19 Hopelessness was found to be a significantly stronger indicator of suicidal risk than depression. 20  The C-HOPE used in this study was shown to be moderately correlated with depressive and psychiatric symptoms in Chinese college students, revealing good internal reliability (Cronbach's α = 0.85). 18

Reasons for living

The 12-item Brief Reasons for Living (BRFL) Scale, answered on a 6-point scale, was used to measure a range of beliefs potentially important as reasons for not committing suicide. 21 The six subscales of the BRFL scale were as follows: responsibility to family, moral obligations, child-related concerns, fear of social disapproval, survival and coping beliefs, and fear of suicide. Again, the scale was forward and backward translated from English to Chinese by two bilingual clinical psychologists. The Chinese version of the BRFL showed good internal reliability (Cronbach's α = 0.77). Its validity was supported by a significant difference in the scale's mean score between people who had thought about suicide in the past 12 months and people without this ideation (t = 5.43, p<0.001).

Irrational values

The Irrational Values Scale was a 9-item scale to measure endorsement of irrational values that would lead to emotional disorders. 22 The score was based on a 9-point Likert-type scale. The scale was forward and backward translated from English to Chinese by two bilingual clinical psychologists. The Chinese version of this scale showed fairly good internal reliability (Cronbach's α = 0.77). Its significant correlation with anxiety supported convergent validity (r = 0.31).


The Plutchik Impulsivity Scale was used to measure the level of impulsivity found to be associated with suicidal risk. 23 Six items from the original scale were selected to assess the tendency to engage in impulsive behaviours such as deliberate self-harm or suicide. 24 The scale was forward and backward translated from English to Chinese by two bilingual clinical psychologists. The internal reliability of the abbreviated scale was found to be satisfactory (Cronbach's α = 0.68). Significant differences of the scale's mean scores between suicide attempters and non-attempters was found to support its validity (t = 5.84, p<0.001).

Prior suicide attempt

Prior suicide attempt behaviour was investigated by the following question: "Have you attempted suicide in the past 12 months?" It was a dichotomous measure requiring either a Yes or a No response.
A question on psychiatric history, "Have you ever received psychiatric treatment?" (received psychiatric treatment), was also asked. It was a dichotomous measure with Yes or No as the response.

Negative life events

Respondents were asked "Have you ever been abused physically, mentally or sexually?" (Abuse history), "Have you had severe interpersonal conflicts over the past 12 months?" (Interpersonal conflicts), "Do you have a debt problem (excluding mortgage)?" (Debt problem) and "Do you have chronic illness or pain?" (Health problem). All of these questions were dichotomous, requiring either a Yes or a No response.

Statistical analysis

SPSS V.12.0 was used for all statistical analyses in this paper. The level of significance was chosen to be p<0.05. Moreover, a bivariate logistic regression was used to examine the age-gender-specific associations to

the influence of celebrity suicide. A multiple linear regression was also used to test the nested model, with suicide ideation as a dependent variable measured by an ASIQ score and adopting the forward enter approach method. Hierarchical regression was then applied to test the effects of entering the influence of celebrity suicide (step 1), known risk and protective factors for suicide (step 2) as well as potential moderators for the model (step 3). Statistical tests were carried out to assess the significance of the standardised coefficients. In the proposed model, we use standardised coefficients rather than dichotomised variables of the covariates to examine the effects on ASIQ in order not to lose information and statistical power due to dichotomisation of continuous variables. The effects on some of the risk and protective factors of suicidality can be found in another paper. 25  The primary interest of this paper is to examine the effect of celebrity death on suicidality in the presence of other covariates. All continuous variables in those cross-product terms were mean-centred to minimise co-linearity in moderator test. 26 A Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) was used to diagnose the severity of the co-linearity. If VIF was <10, it indicated that no severe co-linearity was present in the model. 27 In order to obtain clinically and epidemiologically useful results, a binary logistic regression model was also established.
Sensitivity analysis was then conducted to assess whether the non-response bias may have any effect on the analysis.


Descriptive statistics
In total, 38% (767/2016) of the respondents admitted to the experience of being influenced by a celebrity suicide. About 43.4% (460/1061) of women and 32.1% (307/955) of men had been influenced by celebrity

suicide, and this difference was significant

= 26.8, p = 0). A significant difference was detected among

different age groups (χ= 7.6, df = 2, p = 0.02)-that is, people aged 40-59 years (35.1%, 347/988) were less
likely to be influenced than groups aged <25 years (38.5%, 82/213) and 25-39 years (41.5%, 338/815).
Table 2 shows the age-gender-specific relationship. By treating the influence of celebrity suicide as a dependent variable, a bivariate logistic regression was used to examine the age-gender-specific relationship. After stratification by gender, we observed that men aged 25-39 years had a significantly higher risk of being influenced by a celebrity suicide than those aged 40-59 years. No other age-gender group showed any significant relationship.
Table 2 ORs for the influence of celebrity suicide on age groups of both genders, a bivariate logistic regression

Age group(years)
OR (95% CI)
p Value
OR (95% CI)
p Value
1.10(0.69% to 1.76%)
1.17(0.78% to 1.76%)
1.38(1.03% to 1.84%)
1.22(0.94% to 1.58%)

A multiple regression for suicidal ideation

The multiple linear regression model was fitted to test the relationship between suicide ideation and the influence of celebrity suicide. Suicide ideation measured by ASIQ was treated as a dependent variable. Since the distribution of the suicidal ideation was not normal, a log transformation was performed to normalise this distribution. The influence of celebrity suicide was entered into the model as an independent variable at step 1. The standardised coefficient of the influence of celebrity suicide was found to be significant. In fact, the influence of celebrity suicide explained 4% of the variance of suicidal ideation. This result supported hypothesis H1, implying that influence of celebrity suicide was associated with suicidal ideation.
To rule out the possibility that the influence of celebrity suicide indirectly exerted an effect on suicidal ideation- that is, whether it was mediated by other risk factors for suicide anxiety symptoms, hopelessness, reasons for living, impulsivity, irrational values, prior suicidal behaviour, received psychiatric treatment and negative life

events (abuse history, debt problem, health problem and interpersonal conflicts) were entered into the model as control variables at step 2. This forward entering approach was used for the multiple linear regression. After all variables had been entered into the model, the proportion of missing cases was 1.6%. Table 3 gives the results of a multiple linear regression, stepwise change of R 2 as well as the standardised coefficients at steps 1 and 2. Table 3 Hierarchical regression for significant cross-product terms included in suicidal ideation

R2 change at step*

β at step 1

β at step 2

Final β

Step 1: Enter influence of celebrity suicide
Influence of celebrity suicide


0.20[dagg er]

0.14[dagg er]

Step 2: Enter risk and protective factors for suicide[double dagger]

Anxiety symptoms


0.20[dagg er]


0.13[dagge r]
0.11[dagg er]
Reason for living


Prior suicide attempt

0.19[dagg er]

0.18[dagg er]

Received psychiatric treatment

0.05[dagge r]
Abuse history
0.11[dagg er]


Debt problem

0.05[dagge r]

0.05[dagg er]
Interperso nal conflicts



Step 3: Enter cross- product terms
Anxiety symptom x Influence of celebrity suicide



Reason for living x Influence of celebrity suicide

0.13[dagge r]
Irrational values x Influence of celebrity suicide

0.08[dagg er]
Although the known risk factors for suicide had been controlled, the standardised coefficient for the influence of celebrity suicide was found to be significant at step 2. Moreover, all VIF statistics were found to be <10, which suggested no severe co-linearity. The results supported the hypothesis H2 that celebrity suicide was an

independent risk for suicide ideation after controlling for other known risk factors. Test for moderator
Hierarchical regression was used to study the effects of potential moderators for the influence of celebrity suicide. Cross-product terms of the influence of celebrity suicide and their potential moderators (including all the previously described control variables) were entered at step 3 and a backward elimination method was used.
Only significant cross-product terms yielded by hierarchical regression were re-entered into the model. Table 3 shows the stepwise changes of R and the final standardised coefficient at step 3.
From these results, having more anxiety symptoms, less reason for living and more reinforcement of irrational values were found to moderate the effects of the influence of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation. These cross- product terms helped to explain the additional 2% of variance in suicidal ideation. The results supported hypothesis H3, implying that some risk factors have some moderating effect on the effect of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation.

Positive thinking after celebrity suicide

Among the 2016 respondents, 68 people were not disturbed by the news of a celebrity suicide and answered "Suicide is less acceptable than what I had previously thought". We defined this group as having "positive thinking after celebrity suicide". Among this group, 29 were men and 39 were women. No gender differences were observed (χ 2 = 0.63, p = 0.252). All 68 people had no indication of severe suicidal ideation-that is, their ASIQ scores were lower than the cut-off score of 31. If we treated positive thinking after celebrity suicide as a dependent variable and controlled for age and gender, the logistic regression showed that impulsivity (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.86% to 0.99%; p = 0.04) and whether the individual had health problems (OR 1.77, 95% CI 1.04 to 3.00; p = 0.03) were associated with their positive effect after the celebrity suicide.

Clinical and epidemiological implication

A binary logistic regression model was established to obtain clinically and epidemiologically useful results. As suggested by Reynolds gives the results after controlling for some known suicide risk factors; people who had been influenced by celebrity suicide were 5.93 times (95% CI 2.56% to 13.72%, p = 0) more likely to have a severe level of suicidal ideation (ASIQ score[>, double =]31) than people who had no such influence. However, the results were slightly different from those shown in table 3, as some variables (received psychiatric treatment, abuse history and debt problem) had become insignificant in the logistic model due to the reduction in power resulting from dichotomising the ASIQ scores.
Table 4 Binary logistic regression model for suicidal ideation, Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire

Exp (B)
Influence of celebrity suicide*
Anxiety symptoms[dagger]
Reason for living[dagger]
Prior suicide attempt[double dagger]
Interpersonal conflicts§

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis 28 was conducted to assess whether the non-response bias may affect the significance of the result. We consider the situation that there are dissimilarities of prevalence of suicidal ideation, due to the non-response bias, between the response and non-response groups in both being influenced by the celebrity suicide group (influence group in short) and not being influenced by the celebrity suicide group (non-influence

group in short). Then we examine the scenarios that could give a smaller estimated overall OR. If the estimated overall OR (after the adjustment of the non-response) is still shown to be significant, then the effect of non- response in our sample has no significant effect on the result obtained.

Suppose r

is the ratio of prevalence of suicidal ideation between the non-response and response groups in the

influence group and r

is the ratio of prevalence of suicidal ideation between the non-response and response

groups in the non-influence group. In the case of r

<1 or r

>1, the overall OR would decrease. We assume that

r  is 0.7, 0.6 or 0.5 (ie, the prevalence in non-response group is 30-50% lower than that in the response group)

and that r

is 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5 (ie, the prevalence in the non-response group is 30-50% higher than that in the

response group). Table 5 gives the estimated ORs in all scenarios that are found to be significant. This result suggests that non-response bias is unlikely to alter the result.
Table 5 Sensitivity analysis: estimated OR under different assumptions about the ratio of the prevalence of suicidal ideation between the non-response and response groups

Ratio between the prevalence of suicidal ideation in the non-response and response groups

Estimated OR

χ2 test
Being influenc ed by celebrity suicide (r  )
Not being influenced by celebrity suicide (r  )
35.6, p = 0
34.1, p = 0
32.8, p = 0
31.6, p = 0
30.1, p = 0
30.2, p = 0
29.0, p = 0
27.6, p = 0


Age-gender-specific  effect
Previous studies on the effects of celebrity suicides or death were found to have age-gender-specific effects on suicide. 2, 4 In this study, men aged 25-39 years were more likely to be influenced. On analysing the profile of suicide cases immediately after Cheung's death, men aged 25-39 years who committed suicide using the same method as Cheung (ie, by jumping from a height) were found to have increased significantly. 29
This age-gender-specific effect can be explained by the fact that although Cheung died at the age of 46 years, according to his fan club website ( http://lesliecheung.cc ), "a turning point in his career" was the release of his album "Monica" in 1984 when he was 28 years. Teenagers at that time, who belonged to a generation keen on pop music and aged between 25 and 39 years in 2003, were more likely to identify with Cheung's behaviour. Long-term influences
Most of the published studies assume that celebrity suicides or deaths exert a short-term triggering impact on people's suicidal thoughts. The effective period was from 2 to 4 weeks. 1, 2, 9 Some researchers hypothesised that exposure to news of the suicide in the media might exert a long-term effect on non-impulsive people and

"sow the seeds of suicide in the distant future". 4 However, none of the current studies validated this possibility of the long-term effects of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation.
In this study, the time duration between the date of the celebrity suicide (1 April 2003) and the study period of suicidal ideation (between 1 December 2003 and 4 July 2004) was at least 8 months, and <15 months. This result outlines the first population-based study, which reveals that celebrity suicide might lead to a non- triggering and even long-term effect on people's suicidal ideation. According to the observational learning theory, 30 an individual who had memorised the celebrity's behaviour and had been sufficiently motivated could harbour suicidal ideation even over a longer period of time. Thus, apart from the short-term effect shown by previous studies, celebrity suicides that had drawn high public attention might spur suicidal thoughts in those who had identified with and been motivated by the celebrity.

Independent risk for suicidal thought

Another implication of this study is the evidence that the effect of celebrity suicide is associated independently with people's suicidal ideation, even while the known risk and protective factors for suicide are controlled.
Previous published studies have assumed that a celebrity suicide has an effect mostly on vulnerable people, who may be having depression or experiencing negative life events. If this assumption holds true, then the effect of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation can be said to be mediated by those risk factors. However, our findings indicate that the effect of celebrity suicide on people's suicidal ideation was an independent risk. This means that celebrity suicide may trigger suicidal ideation in anyone within the community, regardless of whether he or she were otherwise vulnerable for suicide. Although there is only a relatively small percentage (4%) of variance explained by celebrity suicide compared with 27% of variance explained by other known risk factors, it is still important to be aware of the possible negative effect.

What is already known

A celebrity suicide or death is associated with a short-term increase in the suicide rate. Moderating effect
Individuals' attributes such as age, gender or suicidal history have also been shown to differentiate the extent of the effect of media on suicidal thought. 4 However, little is known about how an individual's psychological well- being or cognitive thinking plays a role in this respect. Our findings indicate that having a greater level of anxiety symptoms, less reason for living and more irrational values bolstered the effect of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation.

Positive effect

Some respondents reported positive reactions to celebrity suicide-that is, suicide is less acceptable than before. Our findings reinforced the notion that no one displayed symptoms of severe suicidal ideation. This reflected the idea that positive or healthy thinking after a celebrity suicide was a strong predictor of not having severe suicidal ideation. Being less impulsive and having health problems were found to be significant associated factors for this positive reaction.


The Hong Kong Chinese media reporting on suicides is truly exceptional, including many graphics, photos or diagrams. It is not uncommon for a suicide report to appear in the front page with sensational headlines. 31 This type of reporting does not comply with the World Health Organization's recommendations on how to convey suicide news coverage. In Hong Kong, guidelines for responsible reporting have been issued for media professionals, and one of the key elements is to avoid sensational portrayals of celebrity suicides. 32, 33
Our findings comprised the first population-based study, which showed evidence on how the influence of celebrity suicide is independently associated with a long-term effect, rather than having a triggering effect on suicidal ideation. These results have significant public health implications in that, apart from groups that are vulnerable for suicide, a large group of otherwise non-vulnerable people are also being exposed to potential harmful media influences. Issuing media's recommendation in reporting suicide news and professional media

training are needed to increase the media's awareness on the possible harmful after-effects of suicides. 3, 34 Vienna's case showed that the measures could reduce the suicide rate. 35 However, more research should be done to evaluate the overall effectiveness of these recommendations.

What this study adds

The results show that the effect of a celebrity suicide is associated with suicidal ideation over a longer term using information on an individual level rather than an aggregated one.
The effect of a celebrity suicide is an independent risk for suicidal ideation within the community.
Having more anxiety symptoms, less reason for living and more reinforcement of irrational values were found to bolster the effects.

Policy implications

These results would have significant public health implications in that, apart from vulnerable groups for suicide, a large number of non-vulnerable people will also be exposed to the potential harmful effects of media coverage of suicides.
Issuing media's recommendation and professional media training would be useful to increase media's awareness on the possible harmful after-effects of extensive reporting on celebrity suicide.
The public should also be aware of the negative effects of celebrity death induced by the mass media. However, more research should be done to understand the mechanism in this area and to evaluate the overall effectiveness of some of the preventive measures.


The findings in this study were subject to certain limitations. The data were obtained from a cross-sectional design, which only indicates statistical association rather than causation. Participants' self-reported data were subject to human error or memory bias. Sensitive information such as a history of suicide attempts or suicidal ideation might also have been under-reported. In this study, we did not collect data on the level of exposure to a celebrity suicide or the detailed characteristics of the celebrity. We are not aware of any incidence of celebrity suicide that happened in the past few years, except Cheung's death. It is unlikely that the respondent thought of another "celebrity suicide" in this context, 8-15 months after an overwhelming incidence of celebrity suicide.
There was a memorial service a year after his death, which might also have affected the respondents. But apparently, it did not generate media coverage comparable to his death on 1 April 2003. According to an electronic news-clipping database, there were only 157 news articles with his English name or Chinese name during the period 2 April 2004 to 9 April 2004. This was compared with 1243 news articles in 2003 during the same period 29 ; on 6 of the 8 days at least one newspaper reported news of Cheung's death on the front page during the period 2 April 2003 to 9 April 2003. But none of those 157 articles in 2004 was printed on the front page and the effect was expected to be minimal.
Acknowledgement: This research was supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Fund and the Chief Executive Community Project. We thank Ms Ka Liu and the research team of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention for their valuable contributions to our research design, as well as for the implementation of the prevalence study, and the many helpful suggestions from Professor Ray Watson, the editor and seven reviewers.


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Subjek: Self destructive behavior; Studies; Suicides & suicide attempts; Risk factors; Lokasi: Hong Kong
Pengidentifikasi/kata kunci: Epidemiologic studies Population-base studies Suicide (psychiatry) Suicide (public health) ASIQ, Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire BRFL, Brief Reasons for Living VIF, Variance Inflation Factor
Judul: Long-term impact of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation: results from a population-based study Pengarang: Fu, King-wa; Yip, Paul S F
Judul publikasi: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Volume: 61

Edisi: 6

Halaman pertama: 540

Tahun publikasi: 2007 Tanggal publikasi: Jun 2007 Tahun: 2007
Penerbit: BMJ Publishing Group LTD Tempat publikasi: London
Negara publikasi: United Kingdom Subjek publikasi: Medical Sciences ISSN: 0143005X

Jenis sumber: Scholarly Journals Bahasa publikasi: English

Jenis dokumen: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/jech.2005.045005 ID dokumen ProQuest: 1779260430
Hak cipta: Copyright: 2007 Copyright 2007 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Terakhir diperbarui: 2016-04-07
Basis data: Public Health Database

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